Writers who have worked with Marcia are getting published! Three have books scheduled for publication, others are with agents who have their manuscripts out on submission, another was recently on the Short List for the Faulkner-Wisdom award, and more to come…

Are you working on a fiction, memoir, or nonfiction book? If you are questioning if your manuscript is ready to submit to an agent or publisher, consider these important opportunities.


ONE-TO-ONE COACHING. Would you like the chance to talk about your book? Are you sure/pretty sure/not sure if it’s ready for a query? Sometimes a 1-hour conversation can substantially supercharge your plot, or revise the structure of your book so that it is more impactful, or supercharge your querying process. Email me for an appointment and we can talk!

READ YOUR BOOK? One of the challenges for emerging authors is finding a neutral but credentialed reader. As a published author and teacher, I am available to read full manuscripts and offer summary comments and formative feedback if needed. Email me about your book and ask about my sliding scale for pricing to fit your budget!

FULL MANUSCRIPT CLASS. In this very special class, writers will read your book and offer you invaluable feedback. We will guide you in the revision process and support you in the preparation for submission to a literary agent. Please email me for more information!


QUERY WORKSHOP. In this class we help you TEST the strength of your PLOT, STORY ARC, and CHARACTERS. Working together we will identify your GENRE, help with your SYNOPSIS, develop your PITCH, & assist in writing your QUERY. We’ll offer critical advice on finding a literary agent.

This class runs often! Questions? Please send me an email for more information!